Over the short span of two months, the Times Union Center's arena floor has and will transform into a basketball court, hockey rink, monster truck rally, home show, concert hall for country music stars, and a rave. I spoke with...
Too Cold for Clogs?
Have you ever treated an inanimate object like it was a living thing? Sometimes I find myself giving something tangible human feelings. As a staff, the Downtown Albany Business Improvement District feels that way about our Sculpture in the Streets...
Second Home for Amy: Mister Cuts
While you are reading this ask yourself this question. What would you do to make your vision a reality? "To have your own space that you remade yourself, it's hard work, but it's a huge accomplishment. My family - Dad,...
One 2013 Resolution
A greeting card I bought recently reads something like this: Dear New Year's Resolution,Well, it was fun while it lasted.Sincerely,January 2ndAlthough funny, I bought the card to remind myself how quickly best intentions are often lost.At the top of my resolution...