Sun Sign Forecast
For June 2008
By Arlene DeAngelus
Best Days for June 2008: 5th, 13th, 22nd and 28th. To lose those extra pounds, begin a diet on the 18th.
Aries: (March 21 to April 20)(March 21 to April 20) Communications of all forms are high-lighted and run smoothly this month. You enjoy happy times with neighbors and your siblings. After the 13th, you become interested in mental pursuits and expand your perspective of life. Toward the end of the month it is easier to resolve any problems on matters that you have not dealt with.
Taurus: (April 21 to May 20) Finances and business dealings are high-lighted and favored this month. You look for ways to increase your financial stability. After the 13th, review any shared resources and assets and organize paperwork, if needed. Toward the end of the month, you work toward achieving your goals. New friends expand your interests and involve you in humanitarian projects.
Gemini : (May 21 to June 20) Self-expression and making a good impression are highlighted this month. This is the time to pitch your ideas. After the 13th, you gain self-knowledge through your relationships with others. There can be a fateful encounter at this time. Toward the end of the month, you evaluate your career direction, or the equivalent, and look for new opportunities.
Cancer: (June 21 to July 22) Spiritual enlightenment and self-knowledge are highlighted this month. A retreat or quiet get-away is inviting. After the 13th, you strive to get a job done, but be careful that you do not go to extremes. This is a time to break any unwanted habits. Toward the end of the month, keep an open mind as you become attracted to new ideas and intellectual growth.
Leo: (July 23 to August 22) Long-term goals and life’s directions are highlighted this month. You enjoy group meetings and parties with friends. After the 13th, you look for creative projects to become involved in. You share happy times with children and loved ones. Toward the end of the month, relationships can become somewhat unstable and begin to change as your personal needs change.
Virgo: (August 23 to September 22) Status and career, or the equivalent, are highlighted this month. You receive recognition for a job well-done. After the 13th, you revisit memories from you childhood and re-evaluate your relationship with your parents. This is the time to resolve any problems from the past. Toward the end of the month, you grow through your relationships with others.
Libra: (September 23 to October 22) Intellectual and spiritual studies are highlighted for this month. You seek wisdom and mental expansion as you explore such subjects as the law, philosophy and religion. After the 13th, you begin to question things that you have always taken for granted. Toward the end of the month, you make changes in a current job or you may even change jobs.
Scorpio: (October 23 to November 21) Shared resources and values are highlighted this month. You can now settle any unresolved issues concerning these matters. After the 13th, you seek to increase your finances and gain material security. Toward the end of the month, you cannot take children or loved ones for granted. You will have to be more adaptable and change some of your routine.
Sagittarius: (November 22 to December 21) One-to-one partnerships, both business and personal, are highlighted this month. These special relationships bring happiness. After the 13th, you discuss with others aspects of yourself that you usually keep hidden. Toward the end of the month, you become more flexible and begin to make changes in your personal world. You enjoy time with your family.
Capricorn: (December 22 to January 19) Work and co-workers are highlighted this month. Improve your efficiency in work areas and present new ideas. Your physical efficiency is ruled as well. After the 13th, you question spirituality and your place in the universe. Toward the end of the month, you become interested in new studies and intellectual pursuits. A computer course is also possible.
Aquarius: (January 20 to February 18) Children and loved ones are highlighted this month and you enjoy happy times with these special people. After the 13th, you join groups on social change and seek out people who are more intense. Your friends and social circle may also change. Toward the end of the month, allow yourself to be open to new job opportunities that are presented.
Pisces: (February 19 to March 20) Domestic and personal matters are highlighted this month and there are happy family gatherings. After the 13th, you work to achieve your long-term goals and success in your career area, or the equivalent. Your hopes and wishes can be realized. Toward the end of the month, you remove old self-limitations and replace them with positive attitudes and ideas.