Sun Sign Forecast
for August 2008
By Arlene DeAngelus
Best Days for August 2008: 7th, 12th and 30th
To lose those extra pounds, begin a diet on the 16th.
Aries: (March 21 to April 20) Romance, children and your fun with others are highlighted after the 1st. You will want to express yourself creatively through a project or hobby. On the 16th, you look at your long-term goals and also ways to accomplish them. Later in the month, your interests turn to humanitarian causes and you want to give of yourself to help those less fortunate.
Taurus: (April 21 to May 20) Personal affairs and your home life are the focus after the 1st. You look for ways to improve your family relationships and the actual appearance of your home. On the 16th, career matters, or the equivalent, are important as you balance your time between work and home. Later in the month, you concentrate your efforts on receiving recognition for a task well-done.
Gemini: (May 21 to June 20) Daily communications and your everyday environment are highlighted after the 1st. Reading and intellectual pursuits top your list of things to do. On the 16th, discussions center on abstract thought and foreign cultures. Later in the month, you begin to question your beliefs and you search for knowledge and wisdom to broaden your perspective on life.
Cancer: (June 21 to July 22) Your values, money and personal belongings are the focus after the 1st. You analyze your financial well-being and ways to increase your income and resources. On the 16th, you share your ideas with another concerning any shared assets. Later in the month, you spend time reviewing both business and marriage resources. You look for ways to expand your financial security.
Leo: (July 23 to August 22) Self-expression, appearance and your personality are highlighted after the 1st. Adding a tint to your hair color and buying some new clothes help to create your new image. On the 16th, there’s joy through sharing in a personal relationship. Later in the month, you strengthen both business and marital relationships which in turn helps to increase your self-esteem.
Virgo: (August 23 to September 22) Spiritual enlightenment, hidden motives and your inner child are the focus after the 1st. A workshop or retreat can offer you the spiritual growth you seek. On the 16th, you evaluate your work and physical efficiency. This is the time to make any necessary changes. Later in the month, opportunities are given for you to join in and provide help or services for others.
Libra: (September 23 to October 22) Acquaintances, friends and your fun with others are highlighted after the 1st. You join a group that promotes a popular humanitarian cause. On the 16th, your time is spent with loved ones and children. If you are available, this can be the time of a romantic pursuit. Later in the month, you concentrate on these loved ones and have enjoyable times with them.
Scorpio: (October 23 to November 21) Career, or the equivalent, and your direction in life are the focus after the 1st. You adjust your career goals to accomplish your desired directions. On the 16th, you resolve a personal matter to your satisfaction. This is a time when you may redecorate or change your home in some way. Later in the month, more time is spent with your family and researching your family roots.
Sagittarius: (November 22 to December 21) Intellectual, cultural and spiritual studies are highlighted after the 1st. You pursue such subjects as the law, philosophy and religion as you begin to change your beliefs. On the 16th, a workshop or class is inviting. You want to communicate with others and gain new knowledge. Later in the month, you explore your everyday environment and find ways to make it better.
Capricorn: (December 22 to January 19) Shared resources, other’s money and values are the focus after the 1st. This is the time to review all interests shared in marriage and business. On the 16th, your attention turns to your own finances. You may begin a new savings plan or budget. Later in the month, reorganize your personal resources and use care in either borrowing or lending money to others.
Aquarius: (January 20 to February 18) Partners, business and personal relationships are highlighted after the 1st. This is the time when others will teach you and you seek out meaningful partnerships. On the 16th, you are looking for change. Spend the day shopping and try a new style or hairdo. Later in the month, you seek ways to expand your personal interests and through them you gain a new sense of self-awareness.
Pisces: (February 19 to March 20) Work, health care and relationships with co-workers are the focus after the 1st. You become more conscientious toward the services that you provide for others. On the 16th, you gain peace of mind by resolving old problems or mistakes. Later in the month, you search for spiritual understanding and growth. This understanding makes you less vulnerable to others.