It's been suggested in many a career search article both in print and online, but very few actually do it:The Professional Email address....
Keys to a successful interview (part 2)
In an earlier post, I mentioned a few to-do's that, when taken care of a few days in advance of a job interview, will ensure you have a somewhat seamless experience.There's always room for those pesky, last-minute conundrums that creep...
Keys to a successful interview (part 1)
You've applied and submitted your resume. You've waited an agonizing couple of weeks... or months. Maybe you've met with recruiters, maybe you've participated in a phone interview. Finally, you get the opportunity to interview with representatives of THE company you...
Make time, form a team, set a goal, help another.
This October, our staff is participating in the Making Strides Against Breast Cancer walk in Washington Park. We're all 100% committed, excited about our team (of course, we're always looking for more members - hint hint!) and look forward to...
Complacent with Complacency
I'm bored with my routine at work, things aren't getting better even with several attempts to alter/add duties, so I'm going to look for something else.Many of our applicants are seeking a more challenging position with job duties that stimulate...