This October, our staff is participating in the Making Strides Against Breast Cancer walk in Washington Park. We’re all 100% committed, excited about our team (of course, we’re always looking for more members – hint hint!) and look forward to shooting for, and hopefully blowing past, our fundraising goal. Our team name is amazing, Deanna promises to wear a pink feather boa during the event (and maybe even during office hours throughout the month of October), and I’m willing to do just about anything that is pink-themed in order to raise money for the American Cancer Society. I will tough through that entire walk in hot pink stilettos if someone donates to the cause. We are ready to rock, have fun, do something that benefits others, bond a little on a Sunday afternoon. Yes, a team effort inside the office is a must, but one outside the office on special occasions such as this can boost employee morale all around while helping a non-profit organization.
Make time, form a team, set a goal, help another.
Today, I put on my fundraising hat and attended the Making Strides kick-off breakfast; motivation was the overall theme, and I honestly believe that every person in the room was ready to hit the ground running with their teammates to help the Cancer Society. As amped-up attendees left the Albany Marriott, event tote bags in hand, I could see that the whole “time to commit” issue was not a factor at the moment. Most looked determined, ready to begin building their teams or add on to the crew they’ve already assembled. I hurriedly returned to the office, where my own BC Walk team was waiting, and divided the bag of goodies among the ladies. I immediately felt compelled to write this blog post – here we are, busy day ahead as per usual, yet we’re still excited to plan for another team event outside of office hours.
It’s important to incorporate fun, motivational activities into the workplace; non-profit/fundraising events to benefit local organizations are some of the best ways to keep things fresh and exciting. Remember that whole complacency thing I blogged about last week? Give your staff members the option to form/join a company fundraising team, schedule group brainstorming time, and encourage your staff to “go all out” in an effort to help others. If you’re an employee looking to get involved, but your office isn’t yet committed to a cause and/or event? Suggest forming a team, and offer to be the leader! Great bonding, great teamwork experience, great causes, zero complacency!