As an active member of the workforce, you will inevitably experience the need or want to change jobs and in many cases, completely change careers. Unfortunately, many remain complacent in their current positions and do not pursue other opportunities, though they’d much prefer a position / career that is more satisfying.
So, is that desire to find a new job courtesy of just a few bad days at work, or a more extensive issue centered around the need for work and life change? You may be ready to look further if you strongly relate to any of the following:
You need challenged.
You feel as though you’re no longer learning from challenging projects and tasks, and despite meeting with a supervisor or manager regarding the issue, do not feel that your work is interesting or difficult enough to keep you focused and motivated.
You feel unsafe.
In extreme situations, an employee can feel threatened at the workplace, Whether you feel your location is physically unsafe, or mentally/emotionally threatened, there is no reason to stay. When situations such as these occur regularly, it may be time to look elsewhere.
Your position is a dead end.
In your particular position, there are no opportunities within the company that can further your career. With no growth potential, it’s hard to feel enthusiastic about the future.
You’re encountering major life changes.
Marriages, children, spousal employment, and caring for a sick loved one are many reasons why one may put in a resignation notice. All of these may result in relocation, need of extended time off, or more pay. Regardless, if you can’t seem to make things work, seeking opportunities elsewhere is your only other option.
Your current place of employment is no longer fiscally stable.
The overwhelming sense of decline is around you, and supervisors have made it known to their employees that financially, services/positions are being cut. Sometimes, this is temporary; other times, it’s a sign of more downsizing to come. Feeling insecure about whether you’ll have a job tomorrow is a perfectly fine reason to seek other opportunities.
You simply do not fit.
Finding the right atmosphere that fosters creativity, success, and motivation can be a challenge. Over time, the feel of the company can change; if you’re having trouble coping with these work-related environmental changes and can’t seem to adjust, you may want to seek a better fitting position / organization for your lifestyle and work needs.