It is just plain and simple. The way our government has been running on abject dysfuctionality for the last few months, must be having our forefathers doing 360’s six feet under. It was sickening to watch the John Boehner — who barely won re-election as House Speaker today — led House of Representatives operate over the past several months when it came to deciding the fate of hundreds of millions of Americans. Middle Class folks who would be devastated by the affects of having to pay thousands of dollars more each year if these new bills were not passed by the end of the year. In my mind, one of the main reasons all these knee-jerking, back and forth so called negotiations were carried on was because it was personal. Speaker Boehner was not going to give an inch to the President because he doesn’t like him. That folks, is just unacceptable. In this day and age where bipartisan politics is an absolute necessity in the process of governing our country, if you just don’t like someone, and let it get in the way of the welfare of the nation, then you have no business being in the position you’re in. Period. The President made a statement that I read in the Washington Post that, paraphrased, went something like this: “It was apparent that the lawmakers were not going to approve a deal until the last possible second, and that’s exactly what happened.” It took last minute efforts by Vice President Biden and Republican Senator McConnell to broker the deal, without any involvement by the speaker who was behind the scenes making every effort to get in the way. What would happen if we were about to welcome President Romney to Washington? President Obama is still in charge, and we are still about to go over the cliff, but now you have the House Republicans trying to stop any raise in taxes on the wealthiest Americans, that being people earning in excess of $200K a year (the new President Romney included), and the Democratic Senate trying to impose the tax. What you would have is no deal until the new administration takes office. That would mean more taxes on the Middle Class. Every politician running for office promises bi-partisan cooperation while campaigning. Every time no one does anything about it. Once they’re sworn in, it’s just business as usual. We have to start making our representatives in Washington accountable. Monitor their voting records. See if they are holding up to what they promised while on the campaign trail. America cannot go on like this for another four years. As an incumbent, second term President, Obama has to keep the promises he made while campaigning. It appears he will get somewhat close to the tax hike on the wealthiest he promised, but he can’t stop there. And let’s not waste too much time lamenting the gun laws. Let’s look at things like our unemployment, our infrastructure, our own poor and homeless. It’s time to focus on OUR country. How much aid did we receive for any of the natural disasters we have endured over the last ten years or so from other countries? (On a side note: I don’t even want to talk about the abominable way the Republicans treated the Sandy relief fund legislation on New Years eve. What? Was the ice melting in your single malt at home?) I hate to sound harsh, but let’s keep our money in our country. Let’s start manufacturing goods here. How about hiring some more teachers to make our schools the best they can be. I could go on and on. How about being proud to be an American again.……….Best of wishes to Hillary for getting out of the hospital. You’ve done a great job, and I hope you relax for the next three years. Happy New Year everybody!!!
And that is “The Daily Take”