In the interest of justice, I must give my congratulations to Kathy Sheehan and her consortium of progressive Democrat’s for their victories in the Primary last Tuesday. In one of the lowest voter turnout primaries in recent history, one thing we finally know is this: there are 6972 registered progressive Democrat’s in the city of Albany. That is the number of votes Sheehan received last Tuesday. In an election that showed that less than 25% of registered Democrat’s turned out to vote, that is pitiful. Now comes the fun part. Running the city of Albany. Oh, for you out of town readers, the Primary election is the election. Of course, there will be another one in November, but with the Dem’s holding an 11-1 enrollment advantage, you can win with only 25% of the enrolled electorate voting. Sheehan will also welcome in a new Common Council with progressive Democrat’s holding a majority. She’s said that won’t make any difference though, as she will have an open form of governing. It also helps if you don’t have any promises to stick to. She didn’t promise anything. She also didn’t say what will be done with the city’s deficit, or what to do with the landfill, or how to dealing with Albany’s urban blight. Then there is the matter of the proposed Convention Center. She didn’t say if she’s for it or not. We have some market studying to do on that. But we’ll make sure every time a city street gets paved, we’ll paint sharrows all over them so drivers might get the idea that people also ride bikes on them; but that will let everyone know that Albany believes in complete streets. Kathy will also have her boy Darius in her old treasurer’s job, so she can blame any future fiscal woes on him (she certainly didn’t take any blame for the blunders that occurred in her office.) Have fun redecorating the corner office, Kathy. I’m thinking that you’re gonna supply a whole lot of blogging material for me in the next four years.……….This mess in Syria is going to turn into a nightmare. How do you expect anything the Russian’s are spearheading to turn into anything but. Now I read that the Syrian’s will be given until next year to surrender or destroy those weapons. I realize that we cannot be the policemen of the world, but any country that turns those weapons on it’s own people cannot be trusted to comply with any directive. This sisuation is not looking good for Obama.………..Just how much are the people on the Jersey shore supposed to put up with. This last disaster is enough to make anyone just walk away for good.
The People Have (Sort Of) Spoken
And that is “The Daily Take”