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Trick-or-Treating FAQs for the Albany, NY Area

Wondering what time to send the kids out trick-or-treating? How much candy you should buy? We have the answers to your frequently asked questions about trick-or-treating in Albany!

a woman with a masquerade ball mask answering the door for a little girl trick-or-treating

When does trick-or-treating typically start?

In Albany, trick-or-treating generally starts as early as 4:30pm or 5:00pm for the younger children, with the bulk of kids hitting homes between 6:00pm and 8:00pm. Usually, the last of the trick-or-treating is completed by 9:00pm.

How do I know if people are home and have candy?

Homes that welcome trick-or-treaters typically leave their outside lights on. If the house is adorned with pumpkins and Halloween decorations, it's usually a good sign they're home and ready for you and your little ones. If you're unsure, your best bet is to move on to the next house.

How old is too old to trick-or-treat?

In Albany, we see children of all ages trick-or-treating. Those handing out candy are more likely to be happy giving candy to teens who dress up. If your teen wants to trick-or-treat, let them go for it - just make sure they're actually wearing a costume they put effort into.

Is it safe for kids to trick-or-treat alone in Albany?

It really depends on your neighborhood and the age and maturity of your kids. Use your best judgment! Some things to take into consideration are: the age of your children, how much traffic there typically is on those particular streets, and how well you know the neighborhood.

How much candy should I buy?

For this one, ask your neighbors! More is better to be on the safe side, of course. But, there are certain neighborhoods that tend to see fewer children. If you're concerned about spending too much money on candy you'll be stuck with, definitely ask around and see how many visitors people near you typically get.

See safety tips for Halloween >>

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