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5 Proven Weight Loss Tips During the Holiday Season

If you follow these five simple weight loss tips, you'll be well on your way to a healthier you in no time! Looking and feeling your best can also help you deal with the stress a busy and jam-packed holiday schedule can sometimes bring.

a garden salad and tomatoes

1) Don't Go It Alone

Whether it's a best friend, coworker, sibling, or neighbor, find someone who shares your weight loss goals, and make an agreement to be in it together. Even if you never actually spend a single minute working out side by side, and simply check in on each other, you are creating a support network for yourself.

2) Eat Right and Exercise

Many people don't realize that eating right and exercising go hand in hand when trying to lose weight - it's not just one or the other that should be your main focus. They are equally important, and if you stay the course with both diet and exercise goals, you will see improvements in the way you look and feel.

3) Get Uncomfortable

If you don't break a sweat with your exercise routine, you're probably not going to see the kind of results you're after. If you want results, you need to push your limits. Opt for less dressing on your salad. Park in the back of the parking lot. Order a water instead of that soft drink or cocktail. Force yourself to make home cooked meals instead of consuming processed foods or eating out. Add 10 minutes onto your daily exercise routine. Small changes combined together can make a big difference!

4) Hire a Personal Trainer

It used to be only celebrities who could afford a dedicated personal trainer, but these days, it's easy and affordable to find a pro fitness trainer who can help you reach your goals. You can call local personal trainers, ask about a fitness trainer or classes at your local gym, or even find a workout video online.

The idea is to have an expert helping you and pushing you to go that extra mile. They can also help make sure you have good form and do the appropriate warm-ups and cool-downs during your exercise routine so you don't end up with any strains or injuries.

5) Give It Time

If you're looking for immediate results, you're setting yourself up for disappointment. Even though your body will begin changing the day you start your new lifestyle, it still takes time to see those results from the outside. Set yourself a goal of at least a month before you expect to see any visible changes. Remember to stick with it, knowing you will see results in time.

Best of luck to you in your weight loss endeavors! We hope these tips help you discover the key to weight loss success and a healthier, happier you this holiday season.

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