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Albany Pool Buyer's Guide

The pool decision process may seem easy, but when you realize you would like something other than a rectangle with three feet of concrete around the edges, there are a lot of decisions to make!

You'll have to think about size, shape, type of water, maintenance systems and more. You'll have to ask yourself plenty of questions as well: Do you love to entertain? Will your pool have to accommodate large groups of people? Do you want beautiful landscaping to compliment your pool, or would you rather have your basic lawn for kids to play in? Maybe both, with a plenty of extras like fire pits for extra fun? What about a diving board, waterslide, or a ladder? What about a pool drain?

Pool planning can be tricky, but can help! We did the research, and learned from our own mistakes and experiences so we can help you create the perfect backyard oasis!

Below see a list of considerations for building your pool (complete with a step by step guide to pool planning!) and learn where to shop for pools and pool services in Albany, NY and throughout the Capital Region.

lounge chairs on a pool deck
Pools are an investment! Learn about the costs of pools and see how a pool fits into your budget.
in-ground pool
Here's everything in one place! Follow our step by step guide to easily plan your perfect pool. 
pool being constructed
There are many different materials you can use for your pool, including vinyl and fiberglass.
in-ground pool with a cover on it
Save money and the environment! Learn how to make your pool the most energy efficient it can be.
boy playing in a pool
Compare the two types of water you can choose for your pool: chlorine and salt water.
waterfall in a pool
From waterscapes and diving boards to fire pits, customize your pool to be an entertainment centerpiece.
drains at the bottom of a pool
Save time and effort when you reduce pool maintenance using a drain system.
outdoor pool
What pool shape is best for you? Think about the shape you want that would best fit your yard.
in-ground pool
The ideal pool size is subjective. Hear what local pool owners have to say about pool size.
girl on a pool float
Keep your pool safe! Discover helpful tips for keeping your pool from becoming a backyard hazard.
person cleaning a pool
Learn all about the different types of pool cleaners available, thanks to Zodiac Pool Systems Inc.
kids in a pool
Chlorine can be harmful to the environment, but there are alternative sanitizers on the market.