Manners, Positivity, Heroics was a book I wrote in 2005 about a methodology called Manners, Positivity, Heroics. When practiced, these three traits can lead to a very productive and vibrant workplace.
Manners – As I’ve explained in a prior entry on how to politely handle turning down a job and how to handle turning down applicants, manners and etiquette are lost arts in many places. Going over the top with kindness never hurts. As my grandmother used to say “you get a lot more with honey than vinegar.
Positivity – Both as an applicant and as an employer, displaying a positive attitude at all times despite what may be going on inside makes a world of difference. The time for the frown is behind closed doors. As my friend Christy used to tell me, “smile more, it works”.
Heroics – Doing little things to make a difference that are often sight unseen can turn an applicant or an employee into a motivated machine.
Over the next few weeks, I’ll be sprinkling in stories of “MPH” that I have seen and experienced in the workplace. Likewise, I’ll look forward to hearing some of your stories.
Email me your “MPH” moments privately at @, or post a comment below.
And if you’d like a copy of my book, they are available at – Robert Braathe