Q: I was selected for a management training program for a retailer based on my professional background and my interest in working for the company. I made it clear in the interview that my long-term goal was to be in administration with the company. A few months into training, I realize that that is where my heart lies. How do I handle this yet keep my chances solid of pursuing a greater role in this company?
A: I was in a similar situation as you many years ago. How I handled it was to enjoy what I was doing at the time, and making connections with the department I eventually landed myself in. Doing the very best at the role I was in, I made it clear that I was passionate about the company, even if inside I knew my heart was in a different role. Then, based on the relationships I had in the new department, I worked out some opportunities to shadow their operation and get to see if that was what I really wanted to do. Sure enough, in time, it was the right match, and the right opportunity came along.
I would work as hard as possible in the retail setting, and clearly keep the ear of your leaders by keeping in mind what you want to do long-term. It is those dedicated to whatever role they are put in that are the most likely to get the roles that they seek.