Q: Where are the “bomb” jobs out there? How can I find one?
A: I’ve seen more and more people give up that search for the “bomb” (or perfect) job because they have realized that it really is more about being passionate about all that you do, and not relying solely on one source of income and workplace for your work pleasure.
More and more people are working a full-time job as well as freelancing. Many people (especially those in college) are working two part-time jobs or more for flexibility with their family and school life.
Relying too much on a job for your enjoyment may set you up for a big fall. Try more to focus on developing your skills as a leader and becoming a better you wherever you are. You may find that your “bomb” job may be that way for just a couple years, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t put in your best effort, or love the job anyway.