On last, Thursday’s “The Herd with Colin Cowherd”, Colin brought up some solid points comparing Derek Jeter’s purported contract demands with that of a golden handshake or parachute.
Debate has gone back and forth on whether the Yankees should reward Jeter with a 6 year deal at his current salary (or something similar) or offer him a 1-3 year deal with a possible decrease after that.
Jeter’s range and abilities have decreased, but some supporters suggest he should be rewarded for past performace.
In organizations today, much is made about paying people for what they have done in the past through “golden handshakes” or lifetime perks and benefits; while many of these programs are designed to reward for past performance, there is clear debate on how effective these are or whether or not they create more problems.
In Jeter’s case, I think the Yankees need to look at reality and perhaps look at a short-term deal and go from there; it’s worked with Andy Pettitte, and he continues to perform well on a year-to-year contract.