I’ve looked at many resumes over the years and there seems to be a trend in things I don’t like to see. Here is a show list of things I think should be avoided on a resume
1. An unclear objective
2. The line “references available on request” – put references down if you have the space
3. A two page resume with tons of white space that could easily be fit on one page
4. Jobs or details that don’t start and end on the same page
5. Too much white space between the name and the beginning of the resume
6. An email address like “hotguy44@gutcheck.com” or “babe4000@makemelookdumb.com” – use a first name last name email address
7. Job listings that don’t have consistent verb tense
8. Too many gaps in employment
9. No explanation for inactivity if out of work for an extended period
10. Listing colleges without the classes taken
If you’d like me to take a look at your resume, feel free to send it for a confidential review to robert@galaconciere.com