Often the area in the Capital Region is called SmAlbany because of how everyone know’s each other; in some cases, its called SmAlbany because of how some businesses act like it is smaller than it truly is.
When you live in a small community, it is important to get to know as many people as possible in the community and find ways to collaborate. The best way to do this is to “bebig”.
bebig – V. to speak highly of your coworkers, competitors and colleagues and share ideas with them
Bebigging is a practice that can also be called practicing “co-opeitition”. Even though you may be in the same business as a competitor, sharing best practices with one another leads to more abundance, and there is often plenty to go around for everyone. Very often, even though maybe 80-90 % of what you do is similar, the 10 % that each of you do differently can be combined into a stellar package for potential clients.
In my own business, I collaborate with 50 other independent consultants and several public speakers as part of The Consulting Alliance. As an entrepreneurship professor, I meet with other entrepreneur teachers, trainers and professors through LinkedIn groups, entrepreneur breakfasts at RPI and through face to face coffee chats. With fellow marketers and HR professionals, I invite guest blog entries, talk best practices, and share resources.
When you practice bebigging, you find far greater opportunities than you would on your own. In the world of HR and Careers, bebigging a past employer, colleague or competitor will show the world that you are confident in your own skin and able to recognize talent.
Who will you bebig today?