Social media is of growing pertinence to the business world, that’s not new news by any means. What is new is how Human Resources is beginning to utilize social media to influence employees to work harder, and how the process of hiring people is evolving to adjust these developments in the internet. For instance, gamification is becoming hugely popular, and widely successful. Gamification is where game mechanics are incorporated into parts of business, such as career development and marketing. Companies install levels, “badges,” that their employees can boast about online and showcase on their social medias. Being able to brag via internet about their achievements is a proven motivator for employees to enroll in and complete training modules.
In the world of hiring, resumes are a dying breed of personal marketing. Rather, scouters will look at the top hits when they Google your name, your Twitter, Facebook, and Linkedin profiles, and Klout score. Klout scores measure how influential you are online by tracking your usage of different medias. Digital influence is beginning to become a huge factor in industries such as marketing and management. With all of these developments in the human resources industry, its important to evaluate your usage and content of social media to present a positive and productive self brand. Its 2013, and it is the year of social media.