In today’s world, more people are looking for fun and creative ideas to provide rewards to employees for their hard work and dedication. Reward programs are seen as a reflection of an organization’s culture and creativity.
The types of rewards offered are changing every day. Thanks to new technology employees can award co-workers with rewards for their hard work. The bottom line is; if you want the innovative behavior to increase, you must have a creative incentive program.
Compensation is an excellent way to reward employees for meeting short-term goals and serves as a great tool for motivation. This is where peer-to-peer awards come into focus. You don’t have to limit it to cash only. You can do various gift cards to major retailers and businesses across the country that can be used towards a vacation or even be used as a gift for someone else. The possibilities are truly endless. If your company is technology-based, there is the option of awarding your employees for bringing new and innovative ideas for implementation to the table.
If you are looking for a way to reward for long term goals, then consider recognition. An excellent way to do this would be to have a wall that showcases an employee for all their hard work and dedication. It can have background information on the employee and details of their accomplishments. Another great idea is to award a front parking spot to a top performer every month. Employees need to feel valued, and this is one way to not only increase performance but drive this home.
Perks are another tool to show employee appreciation. Having a tuition reimbursement program for full-time employees is a way not only to increase employee retention but also to demonstrate the importance of promoting from within the organization. This is something that has become more popular over the years within businesses.
Do not forget that for these to be successful; there has to be clear communication to employees. The expectations and changes made (if necessary) must be communicated clearly to all employees. To keep teams motivated the rewards also need to be dispersed on a regular basis.
For Braathe Enterprises Blog