By: Desaree’ Pinkham, Penn State Business Senior
& Management Intern at Braathe Enterprises – Saratoga Springs, NY
Can you think of a business that you’ve visited where your customer service was second to none? You were mesmerized by the experience, so much so that you had to tell someone?
Oftentimes, businesses only hear negative feedback, or what they did wrong in a situation. This is so common that positive reviews are left in the dust. Why is that?
Usually because businesses do not appreciate what good reviews they have in the first place.
One simple way to fix that is to have an incentive for positive reviews. For this to work, you must have an active social media account for your visit. For every positive review, you offer the customer something – something you would like to have if you were in your customers shoes.
Instead of always being on the defense for negative reviews, your strategy has shifted to offensive for positive reviews.
By shifting this mindset, your customers will feel appreciated and this positive way of thinking will give back ten-fold to your business. Yessssss!
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