Recently, I had the pleasure of interviewing Robert Braathe of Braathe Enterprises on the topic of Diversity and Inclusion. There has been a developing movement for diversity and inclusion throughout all aspects of life, which include law enforcement, the C-Suite, and wealth. I found this conversation to be extremely insightful, as well as a...
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Staying focused during online meetings: tips and tricks
Alexa Tironi
On average the human brain can concentrate for 50 minutes on one task; however, this statistic isn’t true for everyone, some people can only hold focus for 20 minutes. It’s this limited attention span that can make long online lectures or meetings difficult, especially since you’re sitting at a computer screen without the energy...
If you’re an introvert, networking can be difficult
Alexa Tironi
As a person who considers themself to be an introvert, just the idea of walking into a room of people to shake hands and talk business makes my palms sweat. Every professor, boss, or advice-giving uncle is going to tell you that networking is key- it’s all about who you know. According to a...