Tips for those who have a “slow business” or “slow career search” right now
1. Don’t retreat, reconnect – go to more networking events, have phone calls with old clients and new ones. Call up people rather than email. (I have done a 180 on this one. I am a huge fan of the phone now.)
2. Don’t think you are alone. I made just $3 one month a few years ago. We all have down periods. It is not a time to be alone with your business troubles. Reach out to colleagues who are hitting all the high notes right now.
3. Write write write. The more you write, the more the world will see what you are up to. Write a blog on your own site at least once a week, or find someone to write for you.
4. Hang around people who are more successful than you, not less. It’s easy to hang out with people that like you, but much more rewarding to hang out with people that respect you.
5. Dump the losers and bring on the cruisers. (Got that line from Eddie and The Cruisers). If people dilly dally around commitments, they aren’t right for you or your business.
A Yes or No is always better than a maybe. Move in or move on.
Let’s talk! Setup a call at
or connect with me at