Budget your spoken words today, and watch how your clarity improves, as well as the meaning behind your words. HR problems result from misspoken words, inappropriate language and selective listening more than pretty much anything else!...
Five Reasons Peyton Manning Didn’t Win and You Lost
As usual, the annual tongue bath given to Peyton Manning on every network and talk show ended with the expected results of Manning "disappointing" the fans and announcers. Don't get me wrong - I think Peyton is pretty awesome. He's...
Face The Facts and Avoid F.A.C.T
Life is made easier by facing the facts. In the workplace, their are four things you need to manage appropriately in order to be more successful Frustration Attitude Confusion Talking If you can keep these four in control by making...
3 Ways to Improve Your Outlook at Work Today
1. Treat today like the first or last day you will ever work where you are. 2. Make it a choice to seek out dialogue with your co-workers. 3. Leave work today with three distinct memorable moments of how you...
Becoming a Talent Farm (or the Minor League Baseball for Business and Entrepreneurs)
Developing talent and watching it leave can be a sobering concept for many a leader, but doing this regularly can be a valuable endeavor. Companies and managers who are known for their talent development skills and abilities are looked upon...
An Obsession With Grades and Performance Reviews vs The Grade of Your Performance
One of the questions I always encourage my students not to ask is "What is my grade?". Generally, I find the people who need to be most concerned about their grades are the ones who are the least, and the...
Know It Sum vs Know it All
You probably never heard of someone being called a "Know-it-Sum" - you probably only have heard of know-it-alls. I prefer to surround myself with people who know it sum. A know-it-sum is someone who knows how it all adds up,...
I Can Relate to the Incognito / Miller Situation in Miami
This whole Miami Dolphins soap opera brings back horrible memories for me. Workplace bullying is no joke and knows little boundaries. As a "survivor" of workplace bullying who had to leave a workplace I loved because my bosses didn't believe...
Becoming a Better Team Through Dissolution
by Jared Wyner, Braathe Enterprises Virtual Intern, Human resources It might seem counterproductive, but teams aren't all they're cracked up to be! Now that I have your attention and you're positive that I'm wrong, let me introduce to to a...
Learning in Stages – How to Turn A Good One Week Course into a Great Two Week Course
Recently I taught a one week course that took people out of their workplace for 4 consecutive days. While this course was effective in delivering the material, I definitely thought the students would get more out of it if it...