We have already awarded two 12 week online interactive business classes to two Capital Region residents seeking to take the next step in their career, whether it be start a business, find a new job or career, or learn something...
Human Resources Classes from former Disney, Gap and Apple Manager
"I'd rather entertain and hope that people learn, than teach and hope that people are entertained." Walt Disney, one of the inspirations for Braathe Online Education Exceptional Human Resources is an 8 week online class with real-time elements that will...
Business Travel Entertainment
I am headed to Tampa today for two days of baseball, and am enjoying the ability to travel without a computer with me. Nonetheless, I have learned to take advantage of the downtime while on the plane by prepping ahead...
Reasons to Use LinkedIn
I've been a member of LinkedIn since it was an invite only site. My buddy Hugh turned me on to the site and since then I've seen it grow into a multi-million member networking site.Of late, I've noticed more and more...
Enter for a Chance to win an iPod Touch and Meet Robert Braathe in Scotia NY Saturday 11-4
This Saturday at the Baptist Health 7th Annual Holiday Celebration in Scotia, NY, I will have a booth from 11-4 offering advice on business, technology and human resources. At my booth, you will get the chance to win an iPod...
Creating Magic – Lessons from Lee Cockerell
One of the great leaders during my time at Disney was Lee Cockerell. I had the pleasure of participating in his Time Management workshop while I was a manager there. His manner of speaking and approaching the topic was so...
Productivity and Human Resources on The Go with iPad and iPod Touch
Today Apple is running specials on iPad and iPod Touch. You can get a great deal of productivity on the go being connected to the workplace and your people no matter where you are.Many workplaces seem disconnected when it comes...
E-Readers, Kindles and iPads as Learning Tools
I have fallen in love with my Kindle Reader for iPad. I tried it out on the iPhone, and the form factor was a bit small. But after seeing my colleague's Kindle, I knew I had to get one. However,...
Meet and Greet Robert Braathe at the Apple Store Crossgates – Wednesday May 26th
I'll be doing a Meet and Greet at the Apple Store Crossgates on Wednesday May 26th from 11-1. Stop in to say hello and find out about some of the great options on a Mac/iPhone or iPad for your business.http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=122333334449410&ref=tsThe...