I'm offering a comprehensive Project Management online training program with real-time webinars and/or face to face meetings for those interested in satisfying the 35 hours of training/education required as part of the PMP exam process. The course can be completed...
Memorial Day and Holiday Labor Scheduling
Once again, I travel back to one of my favorite roles, and that being scheduling manager for both retail at Gap and Apple and in hospitality at Disney. The holiday schedule always made for an interesting battle of wits, but...
Human Resources Classes from former Disney, Gap and Apple Manager
"I'd rather entertain and hope that people learn, than teach and hope that people are entertained." Walt Disney, one of the inspirations for Braathe Online Education Exceptional Human Resources is an 8 week online class with real-time elements that will...
HR in Baseball – Andy Pettitte, Roger Clemens, and mid-season returns
As Roger Clemens reached the end of his career, he returned to the Astros (and later the Yankees) later in the season to contribute to the team in a full-time role for about 2/3 of the season. Similarly, Pedro Martinez...
How to Have a 7 Day a Week Business Without Weekend Work
Last year, I wrote an article about businesses that close on Sunday. Today, I'd like to share with you some ideas on how to keep your business going 7 days a week without having to worry about opening your doors....
Office Hours On The Fly – Office vs On-Ice
I tell people that sometimes I think I was kidnapped and transported back from the future because of my lack of understanding for having scheduled office hours every day of the week. I see a day in the future where...
HR in Baseball – The Third Catcher
I can tell when the baseball announcers are bored when the conversation turns to "Well, if they take out the catcher here, and the backup gets hurt, what do they do next?" Rarely, if ever, have I seen a situation...
Committing to Sundays Off From Work
Back to work tomorrow...I haven't worked a Sunday in a very very long time...and I don't plan on it either! When I committed to not work on Sundays (and when possible, Saturdays too) a few years ago when I started...
Managing or Creating a Virtual Internship Program
In past articles, I have spoken of the value of internships and how to manage an internship program. This past January, I started a Virtual Internship Program. I currently have 6 students working on a variety of projects from marketing to...
ManageFirst Credentials through NRAEF and Braathe Enterprises
Are you looking for a way to recognize your employees? Or as an employee, are you looking for ways to add credentials to your resume? There is a program through NRAEF called the ManageFirst program, where you can take courses...