Recruiting is a very important part to any organization. Positioning the right people is the right job is the task Recruiters face worldwide. But the climate of more and more people looking for jobs, recruiting needs are only increasing. Developing...
Stop Thinking – Stop Talking – Be Curious
I challenge you to do three things this week: Stop Thinking - let your unconscious mind work on your issues, or write them down for contemplation later. Get them out of your own head. Stop Talking - limit yourself to...
9 Tips to Hiring Successful Employees
By: Keely T.
Over the years, the goals of recruiting have changed. In the article, Hiring the Hero: 9 Traits to Look for In Successful Employees by Andreina Woodworth, the author discusses that it used to be about finding a set of...
Interest Makes You Interesting
Do you engage others with questions? Showing interest makes you interesting. Always come armed with good questions. Whether you are in a classroom, workplace, or networking event, the people that ask the best questions get the best answers/...
Company Culture
By Keely T.
The article Why Company Culture Matters More to Employee Than Pay, by Richard Pearson discusses that money used to be the main motivator for people to work hard. However, now with Generation Y stepping into the limelight, money is...
Offering Benefits to Employees by I. Galindo
Why would a company want to offer a nice benefit package? I would think to keep their employees content with their employer. Companies offer employees benefits to keep them returning to the job. Not only to keep them but...
It is the little things that count. Small ways to show appreciation to employees. – by Karen Garcia
Most employees, or people in general, spend their entire lives trying to earn acceptance. They desire to earn it from their family, friends, acquaintances, significant others, people they respect, and even people they resent (Garcia, 2013). Since everything we do...
I Was Carried Along By The River of Dreams In The Middle of The Night
I wanted to kill myself when I was 20. I was the only one who knew this and what I did was hang the lyrics to Billy Joel's River of Dreams above my bed and I'd read it every night...
Lebron James Miami Experience – College after College
What we learn in the ivory walls and lecture halls is meaningful, but very often our best experiences come by traveling to new places and meeting new faces. For me, it was spending nearly 5 years at the Walt Disney...
Stepping out of your Comfort Zone and Facing your Fears
By: Faryal Parvez
Recently I went on an adventure and stepped out of my comfort zone. I went indoor skydiving. At one point I wanted to back out and did not want to go. One of my biggest fears is heights. I usually...