Once again, I travel back to one of my favorite roles, and that being scheduling manager for both retail at Gap and Apple and in hospitality at Disney. The holiday schedule always made for an interesting battle of wits, but...
Job Pages on Your Website
What is your job page like on your website? Do you create an atmosphere where people feel like they are valued, even if positions aren't readily available? It may be time to rethink your employment or jobs page. I've visited...
Job Fair and Expo in Wilton NY May 26th 2011 from 1 to 4:30
Wilton, NY is going to have a job expo on Thursday May 26th from 1 to 4:30pm. Employers such as Ace Hardware, Adirondack Trust, Global Foundries, Saratoga Casino and Raceway and the Town of Wilton will be present for this...
Human Resources Classes from former Disney, Gap and Apple Manager
"I'd rather entertain and hope that people learn, than teach and hope that people are entertained." Walt Disney, one of the inspirations for Braathe Online Education Exceptional Human Resources is an 8 week online class with real-time elements that will...
Attitude, Attendance, and GPA
I had a great lunch today with one of my longtime colleagues. We had a great conversation about what employers are looking for today. One of the great stories he had to share with me was about the attitude and...
Effective Leadership Communication
Successful leaders become that way by being effective communicators. How often do you hear about a leader that was effective that was uncommunicative to their supporting staff or team? Greg Savage outlined some of the golden rules of communication for...
Firing Back at a Former Employer
Q: I have a former boss who is a real (expeletive deleted). Over and over again, I keep hearing from my former coworkers that this person is saying negative things about me, even though I left with a clean track...
When Commitments Lack Commitment
The best and most productive people on the planet are the ones who under promise and over deliver. Nothing irritates people more when people say they are going to do things, say they are going to be present, and then...
Stop in Tonight for HR and Business Advice in Saratoga Springs
Good morning, This evening, I'll be having an open house for my business from 630-9pm. My interns and I will be here answering questions about business, websites, education and more. It's a great opportunity for you to come in with...
Networking Tips from Keith Ferrazzi
Check out these great tips from Keith Ferrazzi on how to network without being a jerk. I used many of these tips at the conference I just attended.