Check out this video on YouTube: "Apple CEO Steve Jobs is well known for his electrifying presentations. Communications coach Carmine Gallo discusses the various techniques Jobs uses to captivate and inspire his audience -- techniques that can easily be applied...
The 4 to 5 Hour Work Day – Part 1
I was talking with a colleague the other day about how the 9-5 workday for business professionals needs to be dead and buried. A lot of our woes of society (traffic, job fatigue, stress) could be averted if the work...
Be The Delegator You Need to Be
One of the biggest issues with businesses is the unwillingness to delegate. A May workshop at Saratoga College will cover how to delegate better and how to become more comfortable focusing on what you do best. Do you sound like...
Why the Wrong Organizational Structure Could Be Dragging Your Small Business Down
by Braathe Enterprises intern Catherine Chang Almost all small businesses begin with simple organizational structures, also known as "flat" organizational structures, because authority and management is often centralized in one person or very few people. Unlike bureaucracies, which have several...
Creating The Hunger Games in Your Business
I haven't seen The Hunger Games yet, but I'll be taking my mentee this weekend. However, I am sure I will hear the inevitable "It's not at all like the book" to which I'll respond "Of course not, its a...
April 1 – The Day The Phone Will Go To Voicemail – Disruptive Communication
This isn't an April fools joke - as of April 1st, I am no longer answering my phone. Yes, you heard it right, I am no longer answering phone calls after April 1st. Why? The phone is the most disruptive...
Hire Now and Avoid The Fire Later
Hiring and firing are sometimes very tough to do, but it is better to hire before the "fire" hits your business. For example, let's say you know that you are going to have seasonal upturns in your business or a...
Managing by Working Around
You've heard about managing by walking around. How about managing by working around? Managing by working around is a concept where you work around the needs of others when it comes to their work schedules and weaknesses to build your...
Are you an AA, BB, CC, DD, or FF Contact or Networker?
With all of the ways to communicate, the type of person you are as a communicator and can impact how successful you are at growing your network. What grade would you give yourself? Let's look at the different type of...
Innovation Begins Inside
When I talk to fellow entrepreneurs as well as those employed by a corporation, the resounding reoccurring theme and commentary on innovation is that it begins inside of a company, not outside of it. Many people turn to consultants and...