Trying to stay calm at work can be difficult. With people constantly asking of you, trying to get multiple things done, and having others around sometimes feels frustrating and like you just want to scream. However, there are many different ways to alleviate some of that stress during the work day, and when it...
Teaming with Accelerators
by Rufus Wingfield III Business Accelerators can be very advantageous to making your startup business profitable. Accelerators are geared toward fast-tracking your startup, accelerating the pace at which it grows, helping you stand apart from others, and turning a profit the soonest. Selecting the right accelerator for your specific startup, together with choosing the...
How to Navigate HR Compliance
by Rufus Wingfield III Human Resources is one of the foremost and vital, yet daunting challenges for any startup or small business, and many midsized businesses. In addition to being the nucleus for administrating and operating the business, it is also, more times than not, the hub for meeting and maintaining regulatory compliance for...
Use Technology to Transform Your Human Resources
by Rufus Wingfield III Advancements in technology have had a transformational and irreversible impact on Human Resources (HR). Technology will continue to change the way that HR professionals recruit, train, process and manage data and personnel. This reality is particularly important considering that the average Human Resource Specialist spends an estimated 75% their time...
Small Businesses Common Missteps and Best Moves
by Rufus Wingfield III The margin of error for most small businesses and startups is critically small. Every choice made, or not made can mean the difference between the business surviving or collapsing. While it’s not an exact science, there are similarities in the actions and decisions that successful small business owners take, make...
Business Training At Braathe Enterprises
Business Training At Braathe Enterprises If you are looking for customized business workshops, training and classes and Business consulting. Braathe Enterprises is the right place for you! We offer Customized training options including a combination of online and classroom...
To train or not to train, that is the question! – by Karen Garcia
By Karen Garcia, Braathe Enterprises Virtual Intern
written by Braathe Enterprises Virtual Intern Karen Garcia According to The American Heritage Dictionary (n.d.), training is "the education, instruction, or discipline of a person or thing that is being trained". As defined and to further explain, training educates, guides,...
Financial Literacy Month by Lovelyns Nacier
The month of April has been declared National Financial Literacy Month. Majority of consumers today experience financial difficulty of some sort, which has a significant impact in their everyday lives. According to, created by the experts at Money Management...
Becoming a Talent Farm (or the Minor League Baseball for Business and Entrepreneurs)
Developing talent and watching it leave can be a sobering concept for many a leader, but doing this regularly can be a valuable endeavor. Companies and managers who are known for their talent development skills and abilities are looked upon...
Learning in Stages – How to Turn A Good One Week Course into a Great Two Week Course
Recently I taught a one week course that took people out of their workplace for 4 consecutive days. While this course was effective in delivering the material, I definitely thought the students would get more out of it if it...