There is nothing like being gone on vacation for 10 days to come home to this... Brett's closet collapsed while we were gone! I'm blaming it on all the extra pants, sweaters and shirts he had to wear over the...
Best of St. Louis: Grant’s Farm

Heading home to the Show-Me state over the 4th of July holiday gave us time to catch up with friends and family. Being there for 10 days also allowed a little time to do some fun stuff. We loaded up...
Without Words: Happy 4th of July Y’all!

We're back South for the 4th of July this year at my family's farm in Fox, Arkansas...where our mascot "Foxy" is enjoying the triple digit temperatures with Tusk, the Arkansas Razorback! Happy July 4th y'all!...
Graduation Celebration

Brett and I recently had the honor of attending a high school graduation party for the daughter of my coworker. The party was a new experience for several my home state of Missouri, many of the schools celebration graduation...
Without Words: Fender Bender

Semi vs. bus is never good! Luckily, there were no injuries! Snapped this crash-up near Latham Farms....
Without Words: Daddy’s Girl

It's tough to celebrate the holidays without family around, but you learn to make the most of the moments you have together whenever possible. I'm so excited to be going back to Southeast Missouri & Northeast Arkansas this summer to...
Without Words: Yankee Summer

Finally had a day to enjoy at my apartment complex's pool! Seems like it's just starting to feel like summer around here. Now I completely understand why New Yorker's flee to the outdoors as soon as the snow starts
Paddle Faster, I Hear Banjos!

We just got the pictures back from our white water rafting adventure in Maine & I had to share! As you might guess, I'm kind of a girly-girl...who married and Eagle Scout. Brett spent his childhood doing all that boy...
Movie Star in the Making?

One of the most surprising things I've learned since living in upstate New York is just how many film projects are shot here. We hadn't even unpacked our television from the move when we were hearing all about Angelina Jolie's...