Here's a snapshot of the winter weather we got caught in while at the Chowder Fest in Saratoga Springs. I thought it all most looked like something out of a movie!...
Chowder Fest Feast

I have decided the key to surviving these crazy New York winters is warm food. Gone are the days when a simple ham sandwich would suffice for lunch...I gotta have something to keep me warm! Stuffing your...
Without Words: Rookie Mistake

There are things Southerners just don't think about when they live in single digit the fact that you can't leave your can soda in the car overnight. Whoopsie!...
Without Words: The Razorback State

Hey y'all! Just wanted to let you know that Arkansas isn't "The Razorback State". It's actually "The Natural State" in case you might have picked up this lovely magnet at a gas station on the New York Thruway. Don't want you to...
Trendy Hippies

Living less than 200 miles from the fashion capital of the United States puts some pressure on you. Between episodes of Project Runway and studying the latest copies of Vogue, trying to keep up with...
Without Words: River Walkers

We knew when we moved from Mississippi to New York, we'd be seeing some different things. We expected a cold winter, but nothing prepares you for this! It's...
Happy Chinese New Year Y’all!

I am a huge fan of libraries and am just tickled pink that we live in a town with a great place to go. You can find me browsing the Clifton Park-Halfmoon library every...
Winter Blues
Good grief y'all! When does winter end???...
Without Words: Birthday Presents!

Don't you love it when someone knows you better than you know yourself? Kuddos to my husband Brett for scoring the greatest birthday present ever for me this year! Now, I'll really be talking to myself......
Swim, Surf and….Snow??

You can now officially call me a model! Actually, I prefer the term Super Model. I'm going to need a giant glittery gold star for my dressing room, all white furniture and a large...