Enjoy the pretty colors now folks, because that's about it for the 'mums! Bye, bye Fall!...
Decisions, Decisons….

It seems like choosing a Halloween costume is the hardest decision I make every October. I am notorious for changing my mind a million times before the big night. Brett & I have decided to try our luck at the...
Without Words: Paying for the Potty

Had to dig for change just to use the restroom at a McDonald's in Boston! Can y'all believe that?!?...
Does This Belong to You?

Crazy story y'all! On our last visit to Boston we were riding the T when Brett found a digital memory card on the floor. Not a soul was on the train car with us, so he grabbed it thinking we...
Little Yankee

Thought we would share our exciting news with y'all.... We're going to have a little Yankee this spring!...
Without Words: Shop-Rite Seafood Section

Ok, so maybe I'm a bit of a weenie, but this actually made me jump when I came around the corner to the seafood section at the new Shop-Rite in Niskayuna. Scary, isn't it?!?...
Without Words: Halloween Barf

So, has Halloween thrown up yet all over your house?? It barfed all over mine shortly after Labor Day! What can I say, it's my favorite holiday!...