Y'all know it's cold up here in New York when they put scarves on the statues! Saw this little guy freezing at the Clifton Park Library....
Without Words: Yankee Christmas

Thought this picture pretty much summed up our first Christmas in "Yankee" territory! Looks like Santa had stopped by before I snapped this pic at I Love New York Pizza in Colonie, NY!...
Blizzard Busters

After spending a week in Charlotte, NC with Brett's family for the holidays, it was time to pack up the Pruis and start the journey home. Seems like it's never quiet as exciting on the...
Chasing Hubcaps on Christmas Vacation

Know what's really fun? Wrecking your car in another state. There's nothing like surviving the fender bumper bender and dropping off your ride to get a quick fix. Things...
Knee Deep at the NASCAR Hall of Fame

There are certain things that the South lays claim to...we love big hair, fried catfish, Paula Deen and NASCAR just to name a few. Southerners take great pride in their heritage, history and high...
Without Words: Too Many Cooks in the Kitchen

My 16-month-old nephew, Walter Mack Jordan, helped me ice a few Christmas cookies over the holidays. He's wearing the apron my husband wore when he was the same age!...
Pride of the Panthers

My husband and I fly what I am guessing is the only Panther flag in all of Upstate New York. We have matching Panthers Bank of America cards. We even have Panthers reusable shopping bags. ...
New Year’s Resolution 2010

Twelve months ago, I cooked up a big idea to get into better shape for my New Year's Resolution. Rather than join a gym or pledge to lose 10 pounds, I decided to be...
Things That Go Bump in the Night!

Christmas time for us means hitting the road...about 800 miles of it! We're headed down to Charlotte, NC to spend the holiday with Brett's family, so you might notice that I Heart NY Y'all...