All I gotta say is I'm pretty crafty with a glue gun! Look what I made for one of our wedding pictures!...
Brooklyn Meets Brown Bear

Y'all remember Brown Bear from Mrs. Gunter's class in Arkansas?? We'll he's still hanging out with us in New York. He insisted we bring him along on our last trip to the city...who knew...
Life is What You Make It: A Concert and Conversation with Peter Buffett
What do MTV, Akon and Kevin Costner all have in common? Give up?? The answer: Peter Buffett. An author, composer, musician and producer, Peter Buffett is probably more recognized by his...
Winter Organizational Skills

Winter in New York has changed us...maybe for the better though. Going outside when it's freezing takes effort. Our Southern roots have been frozen solid this winter! We've learned the hard way that you can't just run out the door anymore...gone...
Snowfall in Saratoga Springs
Here's a snapshot of the winter weather we got caught in while at the Chowder Fest in Saratoga Springs. I thought it all most looked like something out of a movie!...
Chowder Fest Feast

I have decided the key to surviving these crazy New York winters is warm food. Gone are the days when a simple ham sandwich would suffice for lunch...I gotta have something to keep me warm! Stuffing your...
Without Words: Rookie Mistake

There are things Southerners just don't think about when they live in single digit the fact that you can't leave your can soda in the car overnight. Whoopsie!...
Without Words: The Razorback State

Hey y'all! Just wanted to let you know that Arkansas isn't "The Razorback State". It's actually "The Natural State" in case you might have picked up this lovely magnet at a gas station on the New York Thruway. Don't want you to...
Trendy Hippies

Living less than 200 miles from the fashion capital of the United States puts some pressure on you. Between episodes of Project Runway and studying the latest copies of Vogue, trying to keep up with...