A while back I had some unwelcome guests in my home. Squirrels had managed to chew a hole in the fascia of my house and find their way into the attic. The weather being cold, and the fascia being high, I...
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Three Moves Ahead
The President's recent "mea culpa" with regards to the roll out of the Democrats Affordable Care Act is an attempt to accomplish a few things. In the short term it takes a little of the heat off some of the other...
Bluffing Don’t Change The Cards
Poker is a simple game. You bet that your cards will beat someone else's cards, and if they do, you win. Also if they drop out, you win, even if your cards aren't better. And that's where the game gets interesting. If all...
Eagle In a Gilded Cage
Despite protestations from Benjamin Franklin, the symbol selected for the national seal back in 1782 was the bald eagle. Mr. Franklin thought the eagle to be a bird of lesser character, and would have preferred the selection of the wild...