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Interview Tips For Albany Job Hunters

Advice To Help You Get Hired

You've found the Albany job of your dreams, your resume was reviewed, the interview is fast approaching, and you can already picture yourself heading off to your new job every day. But, have you pictured yourself in the interview? No? You should. Below, you'll find five helpful tips that can make all the difference in your interview and could make your dream job a reality.

three business people waiting for someone to arrive for an interview

Tip 1: Plan, Plan, Plan

Preparation is key! Before the interview, do the following:

  • Find out all you can about the company and the available position, including who will be interviewing you, if possible.
  • Review your work experience and be prepared to provide specific examples on how past performances will translate to this new position.
  • Note any potential concerns or questions they may raise about you, and prepare possible answers.
  • Draft questions for the interviewers - you'll appear poised and confident when that portion of the interview arises.
  • Role play and rehearse the interview before you arrive.

When you're planning your responses to potential questions, remember to target the company's needs in your answers. You need to prove to them that you'll be an asset to their company instead of accentuating what the position would do for you and your career.

Tip 2: Maintain Eye Contact & Positivity

During the interview, make eye contact when you're listening and speaking, and BE POSITIVE!! Avoid negative comments about former employers and co-workers. If the interviewer asks questions that could go in a negative direction, like your weaknesses or a project you struggled with, find a way to put a positive spin on your answer.

Tip 3: Listen, Observe & Adapt

Pick up clues from the interviewer's style, dress code, and office decor, and then use those clues when responding to questions. Is the business environment highly structured, or relaxed? Do people work in teams, or is independent work prized above all else?

By paying attention to office layouts, interactions, office dress, and to their responses to your questions, you'll be surprised by how much information you can gather and then incorporate into your responses to their questions. This information and your observations will also come in handy if you're offered the position and need to decide whether or not to accept it.

Tip 4: Ask About The Next Steps

When the interview is about to conclude, make sure you are clear on the next step(s). Is there a second interview? Are they contacting all applicants regardless, or only those that are returning? If there's a date or date range when they'll be making a decision, note it and don't call or email to inquire about the position before then.

Tip 5: Thank The Interviewer(s)

After the interview, follow-up with a brief letter to the interviewers thanking them for their time, letting them know you enjoyed speaking with them, and touching upon a highlight of the interview you felt made you a good fit for the position. Remember, a strong second-place candidate is often called if additional positions open up.

Keep visiting for the latest Albany job listings, and best of luck as you pursue the next step in your career.

For job advice and tips, visit Robert Braathe's HR & Career Guide Blog

Robert Braathe's HR & Career GuideLocal HR Expert Robert Braathe offers inside advice for business professionals and aspiring career makers in the Albany area. From resume and interview tips to employee relations, find great business advice from all perspectives!

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