Once you are a parent, your heart is on your sleeve. Never again, are you wholly your own. Whether your baby was with you for decades or only for a fleeting dream, there will always be part of you that...
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Freedom For Birth: The Morning After
Yesterday, people all over the world gathered to watch Freedom For Birth, a film by Toni and Alex Harmon. In Troy, NY, more than forty of us joined together to watch, consider and talk. The movie is about childbirth as...
Freedom For Birth Premiere 9/20/12
Last night, I previewed the film Freedom For Birth by Toni and Alex Harmon. The film explores the idea that childbirth is a human right, an innate right of women to choose where and how they give birth. The film...
Recipe: Midwife road food -Baked Eggs
Midwives are busy folks. Up early, running back out of the house late at night. What helps a busy midwife keep her trim figure and her energy up? Baked egg cups! Plenty of protein and some veggies in a...