Beautiful Creatures, based on a series of British teen romance novels (Caster Chronicles, 2009), continues into its second week, while Side Effects trots along into its third. Both are modest films within their genres, but given the glut of films...
New This Week
It's cold and windy...again. Warm up in the climate-controlled comfort of your local cineplex while you're checking out these new features:Snitch (PG-13) --- Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson (Walking Tall, The Scorpion King, and obviously, WWE) stars in this action feature...
Revisiting Oldboy, Which Never Gets Old
After hearing that Spike Lee was remaking Park Chan-wook's 2003 masterpiece Oldboy this year I decided to watch it again. I had seen it a few years ago when I heard about the Vengeance Trilogy Chan-wook had made. His three films are Sympathy For Mr. Vengeance, Oldboy and...
Die Hard Needs To Die. Hard.
The latest installment of the Die Hard franchise was released this past weekend amid overall negative critical response. A Good Day To Die Hard is currently rocking a whopping 16% on Rotten Tomatoes. This is actually up from the 6% it had a...
Oscar Contenders Perk Up Dreary Winter
Are the Oscars a big deal? A number of facts suggest yes, very much so...Approximately 40 million Americans will watch the show. And, it will be broadcast in more than 225 countries. There were 282 films eligible for Best Picture...
New This Week
Take your Valentine out for a night on the town! You can thrill her with action, entertain him with animation, or just snuggle through a nice romance. Enjoy!A Good Day to Die Hard --- Bruce Willis is back as uber-tough...
Warm Bodies
Warm Bodies' unique take on the zombie film offers to breathe some new life into the lull between Oscar season and the summer blockbusters that will be released come Memorial Day. This film puts a new spin on two genres...
Give that man several Oscars please
Michael Heneke that is, for his new film Amour. Heneke has once again created something special for the cinema. His new French-language film follows Georges (Jean-Louis Trintignant) and his wife Anne (Emmanuelle Riva), a couple in their eighties, who live...
New This Week
I know snOMG will keep a lot of folks out of theaters for Friday openings, but when you get cabin fever over the weekend, there will be lots of new choices for you.Identity Thief -- stars Jason Bateman (Arrested Development)...
Movie Monday
Do you have a case of 'em? The Mondays, that is. Well, in case you forgot, here's what's on at the Palace for the rest of their Monday series:2/4: The Wiz (Tonight!)2/25: The Princess Bride3/4: The Last Waltz3/25: The Big...