Miles Teller stars as Sutter, a charming, fly-by-the-seat-of-his-pants high school senior. Fresh from the breakup of his girlfriend, played by Brie Larson, he is found on a neighborhood lawn after an all-night bender by fellow student Amy. As...
Elysium Occupies Summer Stratosphere…
Elysium, writer/director Neill Blomkamp's second feature film feels like a familiar visit to old stomping grounds, in the best possible sense. Blomkamp himself has said Elysium takes similar issues as District 9 and applies them on a global scale....
4Now: Elysium. 4Later: (Jane) Austenland and Kick-Ass 2
Elysium (showtimes & tickets) Opens tomorrow (Thursday, August 8th). We have tons of video on this District 9 creator's sophomore effort. Click here, and checkout the trailer, 4 clips, and cast commentary! We're the Millers (showtimes & tickets) Opens today, Wed....
4Now: 2 Guns. 4Later: District 9 follow-up Elysium clips & interviews, and Machete Kills.
2 Guns, opening today, delivers the goods fans want. Featuring two charismatic and bankable stars on screen together for the first time, 2 Guns features the sort of bloody action one should expect from a story about two bad cops on...
The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Science (Academy) has just announced Ellen is back, and apparently, everyone who works there is thrilled beyond measure, but not beyond words... BEVERLY HILLS, CA - Television icon Ellen DeGeneres will return to...