The superhero genre is alive and well, breaking records every summer. But what can the studios do to keep these films fresh? To avoid viewer fatigue? It takes something…different.
With that in mind, Marvel dug deep and came up with Guardians of the Galaxy – an obscure group originally created for guest appreances in some comics in 1969, 1974 and 1975, and and a 9 issue run in 1976-77, with additional cameos shortly after. A 62 issue series ran in the early 90’s, and they were rebooted in 2008 (Hmmm… seems a bit fortuitous…)
Guardians offers the street cred to be taken seriously by hardcore fans and just the right touch of self-aware irrevernce to appeal to the masses.
To make such a venture work, however, it takes not just the right material but the right advertising campaign – one with enough details to tease a summary of the story and enough of the flavor to alert viewers to why they should care. So far, Marvel’s campaign has been pitch perfect.
That momentum continues, with the launch of The Galaxy Getaways travel agency website, who’s promotional video appears below.
Marvel may have just made the hit movie of the year. Possibly of the decade.
Materials Copyright 2014 and earlier, Marvel / Disney.
By the way, if you haven’t gotten passes to the free 17 minute Imax sneak preview, set for July 7th across the US, you can check for passes to your local Imax screening here. Fear not if passes are currently not available! Check back each day, as they always release a few additional passes as the date nears.