Regal Crossgates 18 continues their Classic Film Series with The Shawshank Redemption, today, at 2 and 7pm only. The last film in the Classic series will be Silence of the Lambs, next week, at 2pm on Sunday, and 2 and...
Grand Budapest Hotel Opens With Over 20 Showings
It's being hailed as a masterpiece. Wes Anderson's latest, and arguably best film to date, The Grand Budapest Hotel opens with 10 showings at Crossgates, and 11 showings at the Spectrum in Albany. The Spectrum has showings on three screens, beginning...
The Newest on Angelina Jolie’s Maleficent, Spiderman 2, Grand Budapest, and Captain America: Winter Soldier. Plus, Peanuts?
Theaters have been a wellspring of exceptional family films of late. The trend continues, judging from the newest trailer for Maleficent (Disney's Sleeping Beauty prequel). With a gorgeous style, sweeping set pieces, and a menacing central character, Maleficent is surely...
Listening In: A Conversation With An Independent Record Company Owner
American Laundromat founder Joe Spadaro discusses ALR, music & film, and his new Wes Anderson tribute album. Plus, we're giving away 6 copies of the new CD. (Details below.) <Hover over pictures for captions. Click some images to see a...
Tim’s Vermeer – A Brilliant, Brilliant Film
Imagine if independent film were more gripping than a summer blockbuster. Imagine a documentary that captures your imagination, instead of testing your resistance to sleep. They do exist. Showtimes and Tickets: Tim's Vermeer is the most recent in a wave...
No Need For Speed
Racing movies can generate box office gold. Vin Diesel has practically made a career out of it. So, it's no surprise others try to cash in. Today's entry, Need For Speed, doesn't have the horsepower to compete. Synopsis: An...
Testosterailers: Transformers 4, Purge 2, 300 2
Stop me if you think you've heard this one before... Perhaps this is a mea culpa from Michael Bay? It looks soooo much better than 3. The Purge did well in theaters. So naturally: Purge 2. Produced by Michael Bay....
Hitchcock’s Rear Window At Crossgates This Wednesday
Regal Crossgates 18 continues their Classic Film Series with Alfred Hitchcock's brilliant Rear Window, this Wed. at 2 and 7pm only. Future films in the Classic series will be Chicago, The Grapes of Wrath, The Shawshank Redemption, and The Silence...
Now that's how you make a monster movie! Godzilla opens May 16th....
The Grand Budapest Hotel Story Finally Revealed
Wes Anderson straddles a line between mainstream popularity and remaining an independent auteur. Given everything we can glean from the copious teases, trailers and interviews distributed over the last few months, his newest effort looks only to enhance his unique reputation. And with a fist full of Hollywood...