Who's Jane Lewis? Nobody knows. But her cover of The Beatles' Come Together is transcendent - and you need to hear it. Presenting your happy, loungey, delightful Come Together, by Jane Lewis... How can this be? Covers...
Superheroes Do The Darndest Things
Marvel's superheroes seem almost as competitive off screen as on, at least when it comes to their charity work. With coordination through Microsoft's Collective Project, Robert Downey lends his support to Hand-a-Thon volunteers who design, assemble and donate prosthetic arms...
Revisiting ALR’s Wes Anderson Tribute. Also, New Repo Man T!
Free cd's, T-shirt, too! Last March, I interviewed an indie label owner for one of our most popular articles ever. I checked in with owner Joe Spadaro recently to find out how the 'I Saved Latin!' cd release, timed to coincide with 'The...
Reading Rainbow Kickstarter Campaign Sure To Break 100,000 Backers, $5M Goal Too Close To Call
Update 2: Goal has been met. At 10:19pm, EST, the campaign reached $5 million in donations, with over 100,700 backers. If you want schwag or to attend an event, you can still donate for the next 16 hours. Update: The...
Star Trek: The Next Generation’s LeVar Burton Breaks Kickstarter Record With Reading Rainbow Reboot Campaign
Star Trek is known for breaking down barriers and bringing people together as much off-screen as on. Seizing on that influence, Nichelle Nichols may have been the first Trek alum to leverage her celebrity to promote real world change when...
Emma, I Think Andrew Has Something To Tell You…
Spider-man's Andrew Garfield continues to inspire (and maybe tease a little) his LGBT fans. Last year he publicly endorsed Spider-man exploring his sexuality, specifically via a relationship with Michael B. Jordan before Mary Jane comes along. Marvel quickly shut that idea...
Amateur Filmmakers, AMPAS’s New Tool To Help Your Craft…
Filmmaking is as much science as it is art, and having the tools necessary can make all the difference in your work. So, any time a new tool comes along that can further your goals, it's worth getting your hands...
10 Reasons Why Noah Will Take The World By Storm This Weekend
"Hollywood just wont give faith based films a chance." We've all heard it, and it's a tired refrain. It's also not true. Arguably, the real problem is that many of them just aren't very good. It's a lot easier for...
Listening In: A Conversation With An Independent Record Company Owner
American Laundromat founder Joe Spadaro discusses ALR, music & film, and his new Wes Anderson tribute album. Plus, we're giving away 6 copies of the new CD. (Details below.) <Hover over pictures for captions. Click some images to see a...
Letterman’s Acerbic Wit Softened? More Subtle.
Those of us old enough to remember know: David Letterman's comedy, as well as his general attitude, historically was pretty caustic. Oprah Winfrey and Madonna were two unashamedly vocal celebrities among many with a distaste for his show, his humor,...