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Albany Nanotechnology

Albany NY and the surrounding Capital Region is a leading mecca for the nanotechnology field. High-tech industry leaders in science and nanotechnology, educational institutions, research and development facilities, and tech parks all reside right here in New York's Tech Valley. A strong infrastructure, desirable state incentives for businesses, high quality of living, and a devoted and educated workforce continue to draw new nanotech businesses to this unique and growing area in Upstate New York.

buildings in albany ny
Learn more about the 19 county-region in New York State that makes up Tech Valley, including what Tech Valley is and who's part of it.
Advanced technology begins with extraordinary R&D and New York's Tech Valley has an astounding array of research and development centers.
students in class
The Capital Region is the place to be if you want to learn more about nanotechnology. In fact, UAlbany was the first university in the world to offer a degree in nanoeconomics.
a close up of the Capitol
Learn about how Albany became so technology-centered as it grew from rust belt to brainbelt.
roadways in the capital region
Shovel ready sites and well-established infrastructure, plus scenery, recreation, and quality of life make the Capital Region an excellent location to live and work.
new york state flag
New York State offers countless energy programs, zoning programs, tax, loan and grant plans, and other incentives to attract and keep commercial businesses here.